L’ MujaVeg Association is pleased to introduce you “Kriss's blog”. This blog was born to make known how good they can be, the recipes without ingredients of animal origin are colorful and tasty. In this corner, our self-production expert - Kriss - will also range on personal hygiene products, as body creams, or knead game
Clean-up Rabuiese e Vignano
Great cleaning in Muggia, today 14 November 2020, by MujaVeg volunteers, with the participation of the friends of the FB page of Nutrie del Rio Ospo and with the collaboration of the Municipality of Muggia. The numbers: ten volunteers engaged throughout the day, two cleaning interventions, trenta i sacchi riempiti di
NutriAmosperanze Project – containment of the number of nutria of the Muggesan colony
An unexpected and complicated intervention to release a nutria in Muggia during the covid-19 emergency. A beaver, guest of the ENPA facility for some treatments, era completamente riabilitata ed era quindi pronta per esser reintrodotta nel suo ambiente naturale. The veterinary surgeon took the opportunity to surgically sterilize it, come previsto dal progetto NutriAmoSperanze promosso dall’Associazione MujaVeg,
Childhood obesity in Italy
Eurispes draws a picture on the problem of childhood obesity in the Italy Report 2020. Obesity is the condition of abnormal or excessive accumulation of fatty substances in the body's adipose tissue that involves risks and implications for health. Una nuova sfida di salute pubblica L’obesità infantile aumenta la probabilità per l’individuo di incorrere precocemente in problemi di
Eurispes notes a general disinformation of Italians in environmental issues
Sensitivity to environmental issues among Italians was the topic of a survey from the Eurispes report 2020. According to a scientific study by researchers from Australia's National Center for Climate Restoration (led by David Spratt and Ian Dunlop) with the worrying title "Existential climate-related security risk", Italian statistics climate crisis
In steady increase vegans and vegetarians in Italy
Positive news for animals and for civil rights: the 2019 It was a year of consolidation of veg choice. This is supported by the Eurispes report that has been following for some years, tra le altre cose, the trend of ethical choices in Italy. The data are clear, vegans in Italy rose from 1,9% al