
MujaVeg ODV, It works to promote in various forms the vegan philosophy and all forms of product consumption reduction arising from the exploitation of animals

Archive 28 March 2021


Affissioni per le vie di Muggia (TS). È partita, con nostro orgoglio, la campagna contro l’uccisione degli agnelli a Pasqua, ma l’immagine invita a NON mangiare TUTTI gli animali ed in qualsiasi giorno della nostra vita. Ricordiamo che NESSUNA tradizione può giustificare l’uccisione di miliardi di animali ogni anno. Mentre leggi questo articolo ne sono

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Prepared For Hot Chocolate

Ingredients (per 15 portions) 200 gr. Dark chocolate 150 gr. bitter cocoa 200 gr. powdered sugar 220 gr. Potato starch.Cooking: no Difficulty: easy Rating: Requires blender or robot blade. Procedure Put the dark chocolate in the fridge . After having cooled it, break it up in the robot with a universal knife or blade and blend it

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Vegetable drink with almonds

Ingredients (per 1/2 people) 50 gr. Brown sugar 100 gr. Sweet peeled almonds 300 ml. Cold water from the fridge. Cooking: no Difficulty: easy Procedure Pulverize the sugar and almonds, add the water a little at a time and then mix for 2 minutes. Served cold, it is an excellent thirst-quenching drink.

Spreadable with hazelnuts

Ingredients (per 3/4 people) 100 gr. Brown sugar 60 gr. toasted hazelnuts 100 gr. dark chocolate into small pieces 100 gr. vegetable drink of your choice 50 ml. seed oil (oppure 70gr. of margarine) termometro per alimenti Cottura: Difficulty pot: media Procedimento Polverizzare lo zucchero e le nocciole poi tritare anche il cioccolato. Unire il

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Pan di Spagna

Ingredients (per 6 / 8 portions) 270 gr flour 0 90 gr amido di mais 200 ml olio di semi 160 gr zucchero di canna 225 ml latte vegetale 20 gr Cremor tartaro o lievito vegan 1 baccello di vaniglia 1 pizzico di sale Cottura: forno statico Difficoltà: Spinach dumplings . Sbattere lo zucchero con

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MujaVeg OdV - 2016 - Via Dante Algieri, 21 - 34015 Muggia (TS) - C.F. 90148650329