A stand dedicated all'antispecismo and veg choice can not miss when it comes to animal rights! The World Animal Day is celebrated around the world with events and themed events. The mass actions have always been an important vehicle for facilitating the participation of ordinary people in the struggles for social justice.
629 signatures to save the otters
More than 600 signatures for the petition “Save Nutrie” which it was presented today 11 September 2017 the President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Council. The petition proposing the amendment of the Regional Law of the Friuli Venezia Giulia 09 June 2017 n. 20 <<Measures for containment aimed eradication of nutria (myocastr ciypus)>> per salvare
How much is the extermination of otters?
By mid-September it will be published by the Friuli Venezia Giulia the eradication plan nutria. Since then presumably start hunting. I metodi previsti dalla Legge regionale sono gli stessi utilizzati dai tedeschi nella seconda guerra mondiale: from shooting to gassing (upon capture). Poco importa se nelle tane resteranno cuccioli ad aspettare il latte
STATE: Italians they buy more fruits and vegetables and reduce meat consumption
Encouraging data come ISTAT that consumption in new report, It analyzes the differences between the year 2016 and the 2015. The costs for fruit and vegetables both increase the 3,1% compared to 2015, climbing respectively 41,71 euro e a 60,62 € monthly. In diminuzione invece la spesa per il consumo delle carni, che scende a 93,53 euro
Circuses and otters in the City Council in Muggia: sit-in informativo
In the City Council in Muggia 18 July will discuss two proposals for the protection of animals. La prima proposta chiede di modificare il regolamento per la tutela ed il benessere degli animali per introdurre norme che limitino i tipi di animali utilizzati nei circhi, impedendo l’uso di specie in via di estinzione o il cui modello
"Do not shoot the nutria" Muggia frontrunners in Fvg
Parte dalla cittadina rivierasca la petizione regionale contro la nuova legge MujaVeg reclama il contenimento della specie solo con metodi non violenti di Riccardo Tosques PUBBLICHIAMO SU GENTILE CONCESSIONE DEL QUOTIDIANO IL PICCOLO L’ARTICOLO DI RICCARDO TOSQUES DEL 02 JULY 2017 MUGGIA. No violent slaughter, yes to the containment through ecological methods. Parte da Muggia la petizione
MujaVeg for otters
MujaVeg promotes the petition to save the otters. With the Regional Law of the Friuli Venezia Giulia 9 June 2017 n.20, It was decreed the death penalty for all of the territory otters. Their crime is being born far from their home, where they lived peacefully until the early '900, quando poi furono catturate e
Life at Valentina's dreams – go vegan 2.0
A beautiful evening in memory of Valentina, lively and cheerful part of the team MujaVeg. Yesterday evening, 24 June, organized by friends and relatives of Vale, He remembered his dreams of a more compassionate world for animals. Yummy vegan food we accompanied and colored evening. All the senses have been served
And Bioest opens to veg
Bioest, the fair of natural products, environmental groups, cultural and volunteering now in its 23rd edition. The event will take place in the beautiful setting of the park of the former psychiatric hospital of San Giovanni in Trieste. Questo ospedale era conosciuto come un luogo di contenimento, e dove l’intervento terapeutico scontava frequentemente le limitazioni di un’impostazione clinica che si apriva
The otters are going to be killed! Let's help!
Bocciamo without hesitation the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia Draft Law on the eradication of coypu, from different points of view. Ethically, we are opposed to killing animals whose only crime is being born in the wrong place because of some farmers, closed their fur farms, hanno abbandonato al loro destino centinaia di