
MujaVeg ODV, It works to promote in various forms the vegan philosophy and all forms of product consumption reduction arising from the exploitation of animals

Constantly increasing the number of vegans in Italy

even the 2016 She has led to the increase of vegans in Italy. This was declared by the Eurispes, one of the largest social research organizations Italian, in its Report Italy 2017 certifies that the positive trend. The number of vegans in 2016 It has increased from 1 to 3 percentage. Lieve flessione viene registrata nel numero di persone che seguono una dieta

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MujaVeg to St. Martin festival in Muggia

Volunteers of MujaVeg, They will attend the event “Feast of St. Martin and the Ancient Autumn Flavours”. For the first time in the village of San Martino a stand completely dedicated to the promotion of vegetarianism. Vegetarians and vegans will be on hand to explain the reason for their choice, quali le difficoltà incontrate e quali i piaceri di un approccio alla

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MujaVeg al Trieste Animal Day – 02 October 2016

The MujaVeg will attend the 2 October to Trieste from Animal Day 10.00 all 18.00. The event organized in Via Frausin 7 in Trieste, It collects most of the realities that deal with animals in the province of Trieste. Information material will be distributed and delicious delicacies prepared by the chefs of the “small kitchen” can be tasted

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AmaVeg – Un'amatriciana vegan for Amatrice

Amatriciana Vegana MujaVeg

AmaVeg – un'amatriciana vegan for Amatrice. Let's give a hand to people affected by the recent earthquake participating in the fundraising dinner, without bringing suffering to the animal friends. Sabato 17 September from 19 at Antica Borgo Cafeteria in via Malcanton 6, music, holistic treatments, and good food: as well as a vegan variant of pasta

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Return the garrison for a circus without animals

Ritorna la manifestazione volta a sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica su quanto sia innaturale per un animale nascere e vivere tra le gabbie dei circhi. animal welfare organizations and individual friends of the animals presidieranno the circus entrance handing out leaflets and demonstrating peacefully with signs and banners. “Abbiamo scoperto che almeno otto tigri sono nate in questo circo, questi animali in

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MujaVeg OdV - 2016 - Via Dante Algieri, 21 - 34015 Muggia (TS) - C.F. 90148650329