
MujaVeg ODV, It works to promote in various forms the vegan philosophy and all forms of product consumption reduction arising from the exploitation of animals

Eurispes notes a general disinformation of Italians in environmental issues

Sensitivity to environmental issues among Italians was the topic of a survey from the Eurispes report 2020. According to a scientific study by researchers from Australia's National Center for Climate Restoration (led by David Spratt and Ian Dunlop) with the worrying title "Existential climate-related security risk", Italian statistics climate crisis

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In steady increase vegans and vegetarians in Italy

Positive news for animals and for civil rights: the 2019 It was a year of consolidation of veg choice. This is supported by the Eurispes report that has been following for some years, tra le altre cose, the trend of ethical choices in Italy. The data are clear, vegans in Italy rose from 1,9% al

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At the start in Muggia the awareness campaign Isa

Game Muggia the awareness campaign of Isa MujaVeg in collaboration with Editions AgireOra. Two issues affected by traffic posters put up along the streets of Muggia: the suffering that lies behind the production of milk and dairy products and the one linked to egg products. LATTE Le mucche producono latte alla nascita

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The hunt in the woods of Muggia – chronicle of a massacre

The war report against animals that live or pass through the territory of Muggia creepy. Insospettabili persone si svegliano prima dell’alba e, as a serial killer, armati di tutto punto vanno a soddisfare la propria sete di sangue nei boschi, even those Milje. Per analizzare la portata di tale violenza possiamo vedere alcuni numeri sulle vittime attese per il 2018 solamente

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Animalisti in shock: the new plan for the eradication of coypu does not provide for the ecological methods

Il 22 November 2017, without too many ads, officially started hunting nutria. E’ It was in fact published in the Official Bulletin of the Region FVG plan to eradicate nutria. More than an official bulletin reads like a war bulletin: rifles, Weapons, airguns, traps, and even gas; mancano

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How much is the extermination of otters?

By mid-September it will be published by the Friuli Venezia Giulia the eradication plan nutria. Since then presumably start hunting. I metodi previsti dalla Legge regionale sono gli stessi utilizzati dai tedeschi nella seconda guerra mondiale: from shooting to gassing (upon capture). Poco importa se nelle tane resteranno cuccioli ad aspettare il latte

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STATE: Italians they buy more fruits and vegetables and reduce meat consumption

Encouraging data come ISTAT that consumption in new report, It analyzes the differences between the year 2016 and the 2015. The costs for fruit and vegetables both increase the 3,1% compared to 2015, climbing respectively 41,71 euro e a 60,62 € monthly. In diminuzione invece la spesa per il consumo delle carni, che scende a 93,53 euro

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Interview athlete veg, self defense instructor who foiled a robbery

The intervista Walter has Brumat, the veg athlete who has foiled a robbery at a downtown shop of Trieste. Walter runs a newsstand in the morning, and in the afternoon it is self-defense instructor, with krav maga experience, capoeira, muay thai. The vegan YouTuber Alfio Cristian Ficheraw interviewed him to understand the influence of plant-based nutrition on his sporting activity.

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MujaVeg OdV - 2016 - Via Dante Algieri, 21 - 34015 Muggia (TS) - C.F. 90148650329