Cruelty and exploitation of animals in circuses: an issue on which the activists of local animal welfare groups want to raise awareness. “Anyone who buys a circus ticket, although sometimes unconsciously, It helps fund a world of abuses on animals” explains Cristian Bacci, president of Vegetarians and Vegans Muja, “Muggia ospita una scuola
Last Goodbye to Valentina
Valentina goodbye Tuesday 28 June from hours 09.00 in the cemetery of S. Anna a Trieste in via Costalunga. Valentina was an energetic mother vegan; lively and authentic soul of the group that organized the Festival MujaVeg. At the same time managed to be the mother of two children (plus a dog and two cats), beautician, artist, craft of creative recycling,
Hi Valentina
Um hello to Valentina, gritty of activist vegan MujaVeg Festival, always in defense of those who have fewer rights, whether human or non-human animals. Mother of two wonderful children, multifaceted artist, friend and gentle companion, He left us on the night of 19 and the 20 June 2016 All the senses have been served
The MujaVeg Festival again on Moj Pes Prijatelj
FESTIVAL MUJAVEG experienced premiere performance Although the organizers of the Vegan Festival in Muggia, decided, to be carried out in June, It should all have the smell of summer, a festival pass far from. Otherwise, shorter hours for the dry and even a little sunshine, They not exiled rain and unfortunately did not attract a large number of visitors. Stalls
Even Patrizia Coga to MujaVeg Festival
Patrizia Coga Asefrid, It will be at the Festival Sunday MujaVeg 12 at 20.00. Patrizia, maestra d’arte, founder and president of Naica, ha iniziato nel 2010 il suo percorso vegetariano e poi vegano. L’Associazione Culturale Naica si propone di rendere più etico e consapevole l’Individuo: informs him about facts that are happening and how his choices e
Katia Brancaleoni: the creator of the logo Nutria
The graphic accompanying MujaVeg is made by Katia Brancaleoni Katia was born in Pordenone and 18 anni, After graduation at high school, It goes to meet the other half of its origins in Bologna, where he graduated in philosophy and where he remained for 12 years during which his first photographic exhibitions originated and where he set up his business
Even Giorgio Stella to MujaVeg Festival
George Stella will to MujaVeg Festival Sunday 12 June at 19.00. Giorgio Stella, veterinario di Pordenone, Italy's ambassador to the Walk with Rangers, with whom he recently made a trek of poaching 300 km in Kenya. For years, he is engaged in the protection of animals in danger of extinction. He graduated with
Even Eugene Sheets will be at the Festival MujaVeg
Eugenio Sea Shepherd Sheets will be at MujaVeg Festival Sunday 12 June at 17.00 Eugenio Fogli Medico veterinario, video-operatore sub, Master in Programmazione Neuro Linguistica, environmentalist and documentary filmmaker for hobbies. technical diver with assets of almost 1000 immersioni. Nel 2009 gira un documentario sulle balene Megattere nei mari polinesiani. E’ stato per 8 years the organizer of the
Even Daniela Galeotas to MujaVeg Festival
Daniela Galeotas Animalisti of Friuli Venezia Giulia will to MujaVeg Festival Sunday 12 June at 18.00 Daniela Galeota è attivista e Presidente di Animalisti FVG. Ha ideato e cura, per l’associazione, la Sezione Diritti Animali della Biblioteca Civica di Pordenone, che conta ad oggi più di 200 volumi interamente dedicati alla questione animale.
Even Gianrossano Giannini to MujaVeg Festival
Gianrossano Giannini of LEAL will to MujaVeg Festival Sunday 12 June at 16.00 Gianrossano Giannini, fisico, professore ordinario di Fisica Nucleare e Subnucleare dell’Università di Trieste. E’ residente a Trieste dal 1988. Vegetariano tendente al vegano, animalista e volontario di un rifugio per gatti a Trieste. Si interessa di: Scienza, Energia, Ambiente, Clima, Archeologia,