Mourning in the world of veg Muggia

Mourning in the world of veg Muggia

Greetings to the writer, painter, magician and musician Giorgio Manzin

It was a cold January 2015 When George came to the nascent group MujaVeg to merge its history to that of other vegan Milje. Triestino of birth and muggessano for about five years, George was a true animal lover, a factotum Oasis Felina, always ready to take on the tools and go and build a doghouse, repairing a fence, help animals across the region, Slovenia and Croatia. Artist like few, She went from writing, painting, illusionism and music. The tales she was writing overthrew the classic stories: animals became good while the hunters were bad, a realignment with reality.

His favorite dish was the “fasoi in tecia”, <<senza animaletti perĂ²>> si premurava sempre di specificare. An authentic Trieste always looking for new interpretations of his beloved traditional vegetable key. It took forever to tell him that the meat had always liked, but he felt uncomfortable to think about how many animals had died over the years to feed him and then tried foods with the same flavors but lacking intrinsic violence.

professional musician played anywhere events, festival, festivals and camping. One of his greatest satisfaction was to play in the vegetarian restaurant “Welcome”; knowing that in that case could not be in some way connected to the death of animals, normally served in the other evenings. Famous for creating the group of Tergestini, for animal lovers it is famous above all for its fun “kitty kitty polka”

In the house he was surrounded by animals, those that others would not, those disabled or elderly, to give them a little’ serenity in the little time that remained.

MujaVeg In addition to bringing its contribution in the first meeting, It has been at the forefront of events for the Protection of otters and doing demonstrations in favor of circuses without animals.

Vegetarians and vegans Muggia join the family's grief.


MujaVeg OdV - 2016 - Via Dante Algieri, 21 - 34015 Muggia (TS) - C.F. 90148650329